Step 1: Disable Privacy Mode

  1. Access Settings: Log in to your Tradovate account, then navigate to the Settings menu.
  2. Locate Privacy Mode: Within settings, find the Privacy Mode option.
  3. Disable Privacy Mode: Toggle Privacy Mode to the “Off” position. This setting change will allow essential account details, such as the equity button and account selection options, to become visible.

Step 2: Log Out and Log Back In

After disabling Privacy Mode, log out of Tradovate and log back in. This action ensures that your updated settings take effect and display correctly.

  1. Log Out: Go to your account menu and select Log Out.
  2. Re-Login: Log back into Tradovate to confirm the visibility of the equity button and account selection feature.


Additional Tips for Account Selection

  1. Account List Display: Once Privacy Mode is disabled, you should be able to view and toggle between any linked accounts from your dashboard.
  2. Confirm Settings Update: If the equity button or account list is still not visible, double-check that Privacy Mode is disabled and repeat the log-out and log-in process.

For further assistance, please contact Elite Trader Funding support.