You can request a withdrawal if your ELITE Sim-Funded account is eligible for a payout cycle. Please follow the instructions below to submit a request for payout and cease all trading activity until your payout has been approved.

  1. Visit your Trader Dashboard.

  2. Locate your account and click REQUEST PAYOUT.

 3. Enter your payout amount and click Review Request.

4. You can expect payout approval to occur DAILY Monday through Friday, beginning at 3 PM EST (excludes holidays):

  • For Elite Sim-Funded accounts, payouts are processed weekly on Wednesdays.
    • The cut-off time for approved payout requests that are to be processed on Wednesday is 5 PM EST on Tuesday. Any requests approved after 5 PM EST Tuesday will be processed the following Wednesday.
  • For Live Elite accounts, payouts are processed daily.

5. Any trading activity that occurs within the payout request window will not receive credit towards your active trading day total. After receiving email confirmation from the Payroll team that your payout request has been approved, denied, or delayed, you will need to wait until the following session to resume trading and for an Active Trading Day to be credited. 

Please note that if your payout amount causes your account to go below the minimum allowable balance (initial account starting balance +$100), your Elite Sim-Funded account will be liquidated and closed. If there are any discrepancies, please do not hesitate to submit a ticket with ETF Support