Important: Ensure you remove any sensitive information (e.g., passwords) from the HAR file before submission.
Steps for Chrome
- Open Developer Tools: Use one of the following:
- Keyboard shortcut: ⌘ + ⌥ + I (Mac), Ctrl + Shift + I (Linux), or F12 (Windows).
- Or, go to Chrome Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools.
2. Navigate to Network Tab: Select the Network tab to start capturing logs.
3. Disable Cache: Enable Disable Cache to ensure all resource requests are captured.
4. Reproduce the Issue: Refresh the page and perform actions that trigger the issue.
5. Save HAR File: Right-click the network records and select Save as HAR with content.
6. Review File for Sensitive Data: Remove any sensitive data using a text editor.
Steps for Firefox
- Open Developer Tools: Go to Tools > Web Developer > Network or press F12.
- Enable Persist Logs: Click the gear icon and select Persist Logs.
- Reproduce the Issue: Refresh the page and replicate the issue.
- Save HAR File: Right-click the network log area and choose Save all as HAR.
- Edit File: Remove sensitive details before submitting to support.
Steps for Edge
- Launch Developer Tools: Use F12 to open Developer Tools, then select the Network tab.
- Refresh and Capture Logs: Reproduce the issue as the logs are recorded.
- Export HAR File: Click Export as HAR and save the file.
- Sanitize File: Ensure sensitive data is removed prior to sending.
Steps for Safari
- Enable Developer Mode: Go to Safari > Preferences > Advanced and enable the Show Develop menu.
- Access Developer Tools: Choose Develop > Show Web Inspector, then click the Network tab.
- Start Timeline Recording: Reproduce the issue while capturing logs.
- Save HAR File: Click the Export button and save your HAR file.
Send your sanitized HAR file to ETF Support for troubleshooting assistance. For further details, refer to ETF’s Help Center.