Password Requirements

To create a secure password, your password must meet the following conditions:

  1. At Least One Letter: Your password must include at least one letter, either uppercase (A–Z) or lowercase (a–z).
  2. At Least One Number: Include at least one number, such as 1, 3, or 9, to increase the security of your password.
  3. At Least One Special Character: Use at least one special symbol, such as ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ < > ? ; : = to make your password even more secure.
  4. Be 8 Characters or More: Ensure your password has a minimum of 8 characters. The longer the password, the more secure it is.

Example Passwords

Here are some examples of passwords that meet these security guidelines:

  • Example 1: Sunshine2023!
  • Example 2: BlueSky$9
  • Example 3: Happy!Days1

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Missing Character Type: If your password is being rejected, check to see if it’s missing a letter, number, or special character.
  • Too Short: Ensure your password has at least 8 characters.